Day-1 [06 Hours]
MongoDB Overview

What and why MongoDB, Database, Collection, Document, RDBMS and NoSQL, MongoBD Environment, Installation of Ubuntu and Windows.

MongoDB Operations

MongoDB help, statistics, data modelling, MongoDB Schema, Create database, use command, drop database, create collection, drop collection, data types,

MongoDB Document Operations

Insert, query document, find, pretty, AND, OR operations, Update, Save, Delete documents, remove one and all document, limit, skip, sort, index, aggregation, pipelining, all practical examples.

Day-2 [06 Hours]

Why replication, how it works in MongoDB, replica set and set up, shrading, why shrading, backup, dump and restore the data.


mongostat, mongostop, MongoDB-Java, installation, connection, creation of database, select, retrieve, update, deleting documents, MongoDB-PHP, installation, connection, creation of database, select, retrieve, update, deleting documents, practical examples